Solar Power Controller | PWM Solar Controller, MPPT Solar Controller and Controller Accessories

Solar Regulators

Here you will find the best solar regulators.

The solar regulator or charge controller is a necessary device in the solar installation, since it is responsible for controlling the input of the energy generated by the solar panels to the batteries. The regulator allows, on the one hand, to extend the life of the battery and, on the other hand, to obtain information and parameters of the operation of the installation. We have two main types of charge regulators: pwm regulators and mppt solar regulators and regulator accessories. To withstand voltages of 12 and 24 volts, it is necessary to have a charge regulator so that we can control the charge and discharge of the battery or the accumulation within a solar panel.

Solar Regulators

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  • Voltage: 36V

Regulador Solar Outback FLEXmax 100 MPPT 300V

Con seguimiento continuo del punto de potencia máxima (MPPT), para baterías 24v, 36V y 48V, fabricado en Estado Unidos bajo los estandares más estrictos de calidad. El avanzado algoritmo FM100 MPPT ofrece una mayor cosecha de energía de la matriz FV que otros controladores MPPT, ofrece mayor voltaje y potencia, proporcionando mayor flexibilidad y...
Price €1,781.00
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